There are forms of VAWG that are specific to certain cultural contexts. These include crimes in the name of “honour” and FGM.
Even if mitigated penalties for “honour” crimes have been suppressed from the penal codes of Tunisia in 1993, Lebanon in 2011, Jordan in 2017, and the West Bank in Palestine in 2018 (this reform is not applied in Gaza), there is still discrimination between spouses in this field. In Egypt and Jordan, a husband who injures or kills his wife caught in sexual act with another person, still benefits from mitigating circumstances.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has been criminalized in Egypt and in Tunisia. But there is no mention of it in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Palestine, as it is not practiced.
Early marriage is also linked to social and cultural considerations. In Lebanon, the minimum age for marriage varies according to religious communities. While it is set at 18 years for men, it is often allowed below that age for girls. For the other countries, early marriage is not authorized, and the law sets the same age to marry for both men and women: 19 years in Algeria, 18 years in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia. However, the judge can still exceptionally authorize the marriage under the legal age.