Indicator 35: Public statistics exist on all forms of VAWG, including the rate of unreported cases

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The existence of accurate statistical data on the various forms of VAWG, especially on the rate of violence, is extremely important for the monitoring and evaluation of laws and mechanisms put in place to combat VAWG. This type of data is generally not available in the index countries. Statistics in this area are insufficiently detailed, and not updated by the relevant bodies (National Agencies for Statistics). Therefore, it is difficult to get a clear idea of the evolution of this type of violence or of the rate of violence that goes unreported.



There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG, including the rate of unreported violence. The National Bureau for Statistics and the police departments provide statistics on VAWG, but they do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.



There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including the rate of unreported violence. The government’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics provides data to officials and concerned authorities at the national level in collaboration with the NCW and the UNFPA. However, these statistics do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.



There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including rate of unreported violence. Annual statistical report is issued by the Department of Statistics. Also, there are population and family health surveys issued by the ministry of social development as well statistics and figures issued by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Population Council.. However, these statistics do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG

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There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including the rate of unreported violence. The Central Administration of Statistics carries out national surveys, but it does not have relevant data or information on incident reporting. Moreover, these statistics do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.




There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including the rate of unreported violence. Information is published in the President of the Prosecutor’s Office annual reports on the implementation of criminal policy and the work of the prosecutor’s office, detailing felonies and offenses committed against women and including all forms of violence. However, these reports do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.



There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including the rate of unreported violence. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics conducts a survey specialized in violence in Palestinian society, especially against women. Moreover, these statistics do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.



There are no regular and recent public statistics to measure the rate of all forms of VAWG including the rate of unreported violence. The Ministry of Women, Family, Childhood and the Elderly, publishs statistics on VAWG. However, these statistics do not cover all forms and rates of VAWG.