Indicator 44: Existing cooperation mechanisms between police, shelters, hospitals, courts/judiciaries, ministries, civil society for addressing VAWG

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A holistic approach to tackling VAWG requires a long term coordinated action at all levels and across all sectors to achieve and sustain results. The various actors involved in addressing VAWG represent a chain whose actions are more likely to be efficient if they are coordinated. For this reason, cooperation mechanisms set up among them is helpful to optimise the intervention of each of these actors, facilitate the prevention of violence and protection for women at risk of violence. Different changes, be they legal, institutional or changes of social norms, behaviours, and practices, take different time to be achieved. Involvement of women´s rights organisations in such cooperation also helps the States to be more efficient in their responses.

In the index countries, existent mechanisms imply a series of actions and measures that form a system of cooperation among different actors. In Algeria there are cooperation mechanisms for referring VAWG cases and an institutional information system on violence against women is established. In Egypt, cooperation between police, hospitals and ministries on the referral level is established. In Jordan, there is cooperation for receiving complaints, between Family Protection Department, ministers and CSOs shelters.

In Lebanon, in 2013, a service order has been issued by the government about the different measures that have to be taken by different actors dealing with women at risk of violence.

In Morocco, the government established a protocol for the cooperation mechanisms between police, shelters, hospitals, courts/ judiciaries, ministries, and civil society on exchange of information on cases of violence.

In Palestine, a referral level is established between police and hospitals. The police also has a specialized department in charge of responding to domestic violence cases and ensuring coordination between different institutions.

In Tunisia, multi-sectorial protocols have been signed for protecting women victims of VAWG among relevant ministries



There are cooperation mechanisms between police, hospitals, and other government institutions for referring VAWG cases. The cooperation is arranged by the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs and includes the institutional information system on violence against women that was created to consolidate and exchange all data related to women and girls who are victims of VAWG.




There are mechanisms of cooperation for addressing VAWG that were established among different ministries and institutions according to the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women (2015-2020). An executive committee has been formed between NCW and the heads of the departments and units concerned with women’s rights in various ministries including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Social Solidarity, the National Council on Disability, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. According to the protocols signed among the parties mentioned above, the committee works on following up on the execution of the action plans of the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women.




There are mechanisms of cooperation for addressing VAWG that were established among different ministries and institutions according to the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women (2015-2020). An executive committee has been formed between NCW and the heads of the departments and units concerned with women’s rights in various ministries including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Social Solidarity, the National Council on Disability, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. According to the protocols signed among the parties mentioned above, the committee works on following up on the execution of the action plans of the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women.


Lebanon Flag


There are cooperation mechanisms between police, shelters, hospitals, courts/judiciaries, ministries, and civil society. Service Order No. 164/204 was issued by the Directorate General of the Council of Ministers in 2013 concerning measures that should be taken by different institutions dealing with women victims of VAWG.



There are cooperation mechanisms between police, hospitals, and ministries. The government established a protocol for the cooperation between police, shelters, hospitals, courts/ judiciaries, ministries, and civil society. The institutional information system on violence against women was created to consolidate all data related to women and girls who are victims of VAWG. A protocol on exchange of information on cases of violence against women was signed in 2014 by different governmental institutions. There is also a guide that has been prepared for the institutional cells providing support to women victims of violence. It facilitates communication between relevant partners.




There are cooperation mechanisms between the police and other governmental institutions. The Family Protection Department, which is affiliated to the police, responds to the domestic violence cases and coordinates with other institutions within the referral system. The referral system includes procedures for cooperation between government institutions to deal with cases of VAWG.




There is cooperation between police, hospitals, and ministries. Multi-sectorial protocols have been signed for protecting women victims of VAWG, including the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Women, Family, Childhood and Elderly. These sectorial protocols include procedures for each sector in combating women victims of VAWG, as well as mechanisms for inter-sectorial coordination.