There are no publications or fact sheets. Data disseminated is mostly limited to the official website of the institutions.



The national educational curricula do not include issues related to VAWG, gender equality, women rights.

There are no specific programs available for school teachers on gender equality and VAWG

There are awareness campaigns conducted by NCW and NCCM under a 16 days campaign to eliminate violence against women and other campaigns against FGM.

There are some trainings provided by the government. In 2013, the Ministry of Interior established the department of combating violence against women to raise awareness, encourage women to report crimes of violence to the police, inform women of their rights, and refer women to support, including the NCW and the Office of the Public Prosecutor. The ministry has increased the number of women
police officers throughout Egypt. The ministry of justice has established a department of combating violence against women to provide training for judges to deal with such violence. A protocol of cooperation was adopted in collaboration with the NCW, under which some 1,000 judges were trained.

The Ministry of Health has issued a guide for health service provision to victims and conducts trainings of doctors in cooperation with UNFPA.

There is no training programme on VAWG that is being institutionalized within the ministries and government’s institutions.

There are mechanisms of cooperation for addressing VAWG that were established among different ministries and institutions according to the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women (2015-2020). An executive committee has been formed between NCW and the heads of the departments and units concerned with women’s rights in various ministries including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Social Solidarity, the National Council on Disability, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. According to the protocols signed among the parties mentioned above, the committee works on following up on the execution of the action plans of the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women.

There is inter-ministerial coordination on VAWG under the responsibility of NCW, as per the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women (2015-2020). The coordination includes the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Population, Ministry of Social Solidarity, and Ministry of Justice.

NCW was established by presidential decree and is affiliated to the president. Its mandate is to plan for the advancement of women, draft a national plan for the advancement of women, address their needs, and advise on draft laws. It proposes policies and legislation follow up on the implementation of the plans and strategies. NCW is also responsible for the coordination between the ministries for combating VAWG

There is no gender responsive budget adopted by government with specific lines allocated for addressing VAWG.