There are no publications or fact sheets. Data disseminated is mostly limited to the official website of the institutions.



The national educational curricula do not include issues related to VAWG, gender equality, women rights.

There are no specific programs available for school teachers on gender equality and VAWG.

The Ministry of Women Affairs launches a 16 days campaign to eliminate violence against women.

There are some trainings provided by the Ministry of Women Affairs. The executive plan for the National Transfer System designated the Ministry of Women Affairs to identify the training needs for service providers who deal with women victims of VAWG, to prepare a training guide, and measure the impact of trainings.

No specific training is provided by the Ministry of Health for nurses or doctors who respond to victims of VAWG.

There is no training programme on VAWG that is being institutionalized within the ministries and government’s institutions.

There are cooperation mechanisms between the police and other governmental institutions. The Family Protection Department, which is affiliated to the police, responds to the domestic violence cases and coordinates with other institutions within the referral system. The referral system includes procedures for cooperation between government institutions to deal with cases of VAWG.

There is an inter-ministerial coordination led by the Ministry of Women Affairs. The Ministry coordinates with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Social Development for dealing with women victims of VAWG and support women’s rights policies..

The Ministry of Women Affairs ensures coordination government commitment to gender mainstreaming of laws and public policies and enhancing women rights. The Ministry ensures coordination between different sectors including women rights organisations, and improving the services provided for women.

There is no gender responsive budget adopted by government with specific lines allocated for addressing VAWG.