Justice Indicator 18 :Reported cases of VAWG are acted upon, including investigation, prosecution, and punishment of the perpetrators, wherever the violence occurs: home, school, workplace, and public sphere

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It is difficult to have a precise idea of the outcome of complaints of VAWG and girls because there are no precise statistics on such cases.

Experiences of working with VAWG show that an important number of complaints do not result in prosecution or conviction, since in some States, prosecution is suspended if the victim withdraws the complaint. There is often social or familiar pressure on the victim to abandon the case because of shame, so the dispute is finally settled out of court.

In Tunisia if the police officer belonging to specialized units for combating violence against women coerces the victim to withdraw her report or modify her testimony, he or she is facing a prison sentence.




There is no information on how many cases that are acted upon compared to the reported cases. Generally, after a report is received, common follow-up steps are taken, including arresting the perpetrator if required, and referrals to courts and public persecutors to initiate investigations. All procedures can be cancelled in case women dropped the complaint or if it is solved amicably.



There is no information on how many cases that are acted upon compared to the reported cases. All procedures can be cancelled in case women dropped the complaint and therefore women are under pressure to cancel the complaint and avoid stigma.



There is no information on how many cases that are acted upon compared to the reported cases. Some of the cases are solved amicably and judges show leniency towards the perpetrator.

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There is no information on how many cases are acted upon compared to the reported cases.



Cases and data are available for the public in the annual reports of the Presidency of the Prosecutor’s Office in the 2017 and 2018 reports, but they do not provide data on number of reported and acted upon cases. All procedures can be cancelled in case women dropped the complaint.



There is no information on how many cases are acted upon compared to the reported cases. The reported cases are acted upon according to laws and procedures that include investigation, prosecution, and punishment of the perpetrators, wherever the violence occurs.



There is no information on how many cases are acted upon compared to the reported cases. The reported cases are acted upon according to laws and procedures that include investigation, prosecution, and punishment of the perpetrators, wherever the violence occurs. Article 25 of the law on violence against women states that a penalty of one to six months of imprisonment shall be imposed on any police officer from specialized units for combating violence against women who coerces the victim to withdraw her report or modify her testimony. Dropping a complaint does not stop prosecution or trial.