Education Indicator 26: Existence of gender sensitive manuals for teachers at first and secondary level

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Education remains one of the most important channels for prevention of VAWG. Integrating VAWG and the principles of equality and dignity in education programming can help to communicate to learners at an early stage in both primary and secondary schools and to identify and address gender biases. To this purpose, providing teachers with specific handbooks designed to raise awareness among children and adolescents about gender equality issues, particularly gender-based violence can help the States’ preventive efforts.

Even if some private schools have made individual strides in integrating courses or lesson plans on gender related issues, in the index countries the education systems have not such teaching tools. During 2020 a Manual for Teachers on Gender-Sensitive Education was developed by EuroMed Feminist Initiative in cooperation with gender units of ministries of education and gender experts from the index countries. It is expected to be used as a training tool during 2021.



There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers.



There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers.



There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers. However, the Manual for Teachers on Gender-Sensitive Education (2020) is planned to be used in 2021.

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There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers.



The Ministry of National Education has prepared a set of reference documents, and has organized training courses and knowledge exchange meetings.



There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers. However, the Manual for Teachers on Gender-Sensitive Education (2020) is planned to be used in 2021.



There are no gender sensitive manuals for teachers.